Finding the right solutions for your revenue operations tech stack can be a challenge. Painstakingly reviewing each and every solution takes a lot of time and patience. Luckily, AI can be used to speed up this process.

In this article, I will explain how to effectively use ChatGPT to help you decide which GTM solution you should have, using the decision for a marketing system as an example.

I'll cover:

  • Key features to look for in GTM software
  • Comparative analysis using ChatGPT
  • Use case example: Choosing a marketing software
The AI for Go-to-Market Playbook
Through discussions with industry leaders and what they think automated tools will bring to the GTM space, we’ve created a comprehensive guide to help future GTMs embrace change and discover new ways of engaging with AI.

First things first: Key features to look for in GTM software

When assessing GTM (go-to-market) software solutions, several critical features must be considered to ensure the tool aligns with your business's needs.

These features are central to enhancing marketing efficiency, driving sales, and improving customer relationships.

For the marketing system example I’m using here, these features could be:

  • CRM-like capabilities: It should efficiently manage lead interactions, maintain detailed lead profiles, and streamline communication across all stages of the lead journey.
  • Automation: Capabilities that can handle marketing campaigns, including email marketing, social media outreach, and targeted content distribution, with minimal manual intervention.
  • Lead management: Effective marketing tools should offer comprehensive lead management features, including lead generation, scoring, segmentationbe able to, and nurturing, to convert prospects into customers effectively.
  • Analytics and reporting: High-quality analytics are essential for measuring marketing campaign effectiveness, lead conversion, and attribution.
  • Integration with other tools: The marketing system should have a solid integration with the sales CRM, social media platforms, and email services.
  • Customization and scalability: It should be customizable to fit specific business requirements and be scalable to accommodate growth and changing market demands.
  • User-friendly interface: Admins and end-users should feel comfortable using the tool and be able to find what they need easily.
  • Cost-effectiveness: It should offer a good balance of features and affordability, with transparent pricing plans to suit different business sizes (without breaking the company bank).

Comparative analysis using ChatGPT

ChatGPT serves as a dynamic research assistant, offering unique capabilities for that matter:

  • Data aggregation: ChatGPT can gather and summarize information from a wide range of sources, including technical documents, user reviews, and industry reports.
  • Custom queries: Users can ask specific questions about features, pricing, and more.
  • Comparative insights: By feeding ChatGPT details about the desired features and priorities, it can generate side-by-side comparisons, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each software solution to the others.
  • Scenario-based recommendations: Users can present hypothetical scenarios to ChatGPT, asking how each software might perform under certain conditions or within specific constraints, which aids in understanding real-world applicability.
  • Latest updates and trends: ChatGPT stays updated with the latest changes in software solutions, ensuring the comparative analysis includes the most current data and trends.*

However, as powerful as ChatGPT is, I strongly recommend doing a traditional Google search first, as generative AI can have unpredictable behavior and provide misleading information. It should be used as an assistant to help you work faster.

*To request “latest updates”, you need ChatGPT 4 as it involves internet browsing capabilities.

Use case example: Choosing a marketing software

Here is an example of a process I recently used to help the RevOps and marketing teams to decide which marketing system we should choose with the best pricing.

Also, I’ll use ChatGPT 4, due to the web browsing capabilities.

1. Choosing the marketing system

At this point, I suggest a mix of Google Search and ChatGPT.

Search for a marketing system as you would normally do on Google. If you already have an option in your mind, you can search for each directly or use it as a reference (such as “System X Alternatives”).

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As Google doesn’t take context into account, you might be prompted with results that are not what you are looking for (someone who wants something like HubSpot will not compare it with Canva, for example).

So, in parallel, you can ask ChatGPT for suggestions based on your specific needs and context.

Ask for ChatGPT to assume a persona using a trick called “Act as” at the beginning of the prompt. In this case, we can ask it to act as a Marketing Operations Specialist with 5 years of experience in SaaS startups.

For example:

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Pro Tip: ChatGPT can be extremely wordy, like a student who wants to show off to a teacher. To avoid that, use the prompt “Don’t give explanations about (…)” and complete the sentence.

The result might be something like this:

A screenshot of a black screen

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2. Comparing the systems

To simplify, let’s compare HubSpot and Marketo.

Besides the basic list of features, you can ask ChatGPT to compare the core features and capabilities side by side.

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It is good practice to compare the features listed here with the information on their websites or to confirm them during a demo.

Next, you can ask ChatGPT to search for reviews on the web. Not only will it list them for you, but it will also include the link with the source of the information (the blue quotes at the end of each sentence).

Pro Tip: Be specific about which information you want to see from the reviews and how many you want to see generated. Otherwise, ChatGPT might give you generic summaries.

Now, repeat the same prompt for Marketo:

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You might notice that the format of the response generated changed a bit.

That’s because there is some randomness in ChatGPT responses, so even if you use the exact same prompt I shared here, chances are that the response you see will be, at least, slightly different.

You can also ask how each system would perform a task that is not explicit in the list of traits or on the company website.

Just remember to check information with the account executive who is guiding you with the purchase or in forums, and communities, as ChatGPT can hallucinate and make up things that are not real.

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3. Pricing and negotiation

Now, one of the most important parts: pricing and negotiation!

ChatGPT can be an amazing guide on how to get the best price and contract conditions for distinct systems.

Let’s say I stick with HubSpot. Although you can have an idea about its pricing on their website, you can ask ChatGPT for insights and tips to negotiate better terms, considering the structure of your company (corporation or startup, number of users, budget constraints, etc.):

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One smart thing you can do is to ask it to give you a list of questions you should make to help you achieve a certain goal in the negotiation process:

Finally, once you receive the order form you can upload or copy and paste non-confidential parts of it to ChatGPT, so it can help you identify red flags or details you missed.

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Pro Tip: Never send sensitive data to ChatGPT! If necessary, use synthetic data or fake names.
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P.S. The order form I used here as an example, is a fake one generated by ChatGPT itself.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, leveraging ChatGPT for the comparative analysis of leading GTM software solutions like HubSpot, and Marketo offers an innovative and efficient approach to decision-making in revenue operations.

This article is a high-level guide on how to perform this comparison and, depending on the size of your business and team, you might need to make more or less prompts and questions.

Be creative and use tools you have in your favor!