This article as been adapted from VP of Digital Sales at TTEC, Joe Lazewski’s talk at the Future of Sales 2022 summit.

Having spent over two decades in the sales industry, I've witnessed firsthand the challenges that come with generating a high-quality pipeline and I get how impossible it can feel, especially in today’s lightning-fast business landscape.

But fear not, for I bring good news, in this article I’ll share some of my key insights that will revolutionize your approach, focusing on the power of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and leveraging intent data.

By using these two together, you can gain a competitive advantage, discovering a wealth of knowledge that can directly lead to actionable strategies, ranging from visibility in engagement patterns to uncovering anonymous website visits and finding pockets of interested buyers.

To find out more about ABM and how to leverage intent data to drive growth, read on! Here’s how I’ll break it down:

  • The power of ABM and its importance
  • How to successfully implement an ABM program
  • Expert example of a weekly intent data process
  • Key points to remember
  • Final thoughts

The power of ABM and its importance

In today's competitive landscape, generating a high-quality pipeline is no easy task.

Statistics show that a whopping 97% of website visits remain anonymous, and only 7% of target customers are actively in the market for your products and solutions. This leads to an enormous waste of resources and missed opportunities.

ABM, when coupled with intent data, offers a solution to this challenge and a wealth of added benefits across all areas of your organization.

In the marketing department, consistent pipeline generation and optimized budgets and resources become achievable.

Operations teams can eliminate the guesswork from lead scoring and efficiently orchestrate contact acquisition and enrichment.

Sales teams can prioritize efforts on accounts and contacts in the market for your product or service, reducing buyer journey time.

ABM tools also offer immense value in terms of automation, immediacy, and insights.

You can uncover anonymous website visits to predict accounts that are in the market, and send targeted ads to relevant audiences.

You can also trigger sales outreach on hot accounts, spotting when they’re starting to research your products and services and reaching out to them. The list goes on!

But in general, by continuously improving and refining ABM strategies based on data intelligence, businesses can drive more targeted and effective sales approaches, guiding the next best actions.

How to successfully implement an ABM program

Now you know why ABM is so important, but what’s next, how do you go about implementing it?

To secure success in the implementation of an ABM program, several key factors come into play.

First and foremost, it is crucial that the ABM tool is connected to your website and all sources of customer and prospect data. This integration allows you to understand who is actually engaging with your content.

Setting up a weekly intent report is also really important as it enables you to review intent signals with your team and direct the week’s activities towards high-scoring accounts.

Also by prioritizing prospects and customers with scores above a certain intent score, usually 80 or above, you are able to help focus sales efforts more effectively.

Expert example of a weekly intent data process

To show you what I mean, let me walk you through a common example of how I set up a weekly ABM program using intent data to drive sales results.

It starts with receiving a weekly report, integrated into the CRM system. Identifying accounts with high intent scores, we dive into the intent data, analyzing top branded keywords that were searched and acted upon and the top generic keywords relating to your product or service.

Then you want to look at the types of engagement and their volume or buyer concentration, understanding the key contacts that are interacting with you.

These key contacts are then nurtured through lead follow-up programs, involving the sales development representatives (SDRs). Scheduling introductory meetings with engaged prospects creates opportunities to review products and services and assess their position in the buying cycle.

With all that done you can start the engagement process and begin to move them through your sales pipeline.

Key points to remember

Choosing the right ABM partner

  • Choosing the right ABM partner is crucial for success. Look for partners that provide the desired functionality, including accurate intent score data and seamless integration with multiple data sources, especially your website.
  • The ability to integrate with your CRM or sales system of record is essential for streamlined operations and effective tracking.

Incorporating intent reporting into weekly processes

  • To make intent data actionable, it's important to build intent reporting into your weekly processes. Designate a specific time, such as Monday morning, to review intent signals with your team and align the week's activities accordingly.
  • Focus on accounts that are actually in the market for your solutions to ensure optimal prioritization for the sales pipeline.

Collaborative approach and lead nurturing

  • Successful ABM programs require collaboration between marketing, SDRs, and the sales team. You want to build a process of following up on the weekly intent scores because regularly reviewing intent data together allows for a unified approach and ensures everyone understands the action items for the week.
  • Lead nurturing becomes crucial in engaging key contacts. Setting up lead follow-up programs and assigning them to SDRs or market development teams facilitates personalized outreach and moves prospects through the buying cycle and sales pipeline.

Leveraging ABM marketing programs

  • ABM marketing programs play a vital role in guiding prospects and customers through the buying journey. As intent scores rise, tailor marketing activities and content accordingly. From personalized web experiences to targeted ads, leverage ABM tools to deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time.
  • Align marketing and sales efforts based on customer intent and continuously optimize campaigns for maximum impact and fully understand what is moving customers to become more engaged.

Final thoughts

Hopefully, I’ve been able to show how leveraging intent data in your ABM strategy can revolutionize your sales approach and that I’ve provided some valuable insights based on my experience.

By identifying prospects and customers actively in the market for your solutions, you can focus your efforts, optimize resources, and drive meaningful engagement.

ABM tools provide automation, data insights, and improved efficiency, enabling you to nurture leads and convert them into valuable customers.

Remember, selecting the right ABM partner, incorporating intent reporting, and adopting a collaborative approach are all key to success.

Embrace the power of intent data, and watch your sales soar to new heights!